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Samsung i8510 Innov8 & Sony Ericsson C905 Camera Comparison by Mobile Review

Mobile Review has posted comparison of Camera performance of the Samsung i8510 Innov8 & the Sony Ericsson C905.

During our quality time with either of these phones we made hundreds of photos in all imaginable environments (all in all, the final count is this: five hundred for the C905 and around a thousand for the INNOV8). So, in my opinion, we won't run out of sample snaps any time soon, plus this vast gallery we have accumulated over the last months should make for a decent and comprehensive comparison between these two cameraphones.

Furthermore, having some other not-yet-announced 8 Mpix shooters on our hands, we managed to see how the INNOV8 and C905 fared against similarly geared solutions - as it turned out, they weren't that much different at all.