Palm's Treo Pro, which was earlier known as the Treo 850, has been leaked. The Smartphone is rumored to run Windows Mobile 6.1 along with goodies like 128 MB Ram, 256 MB Rom, Qwerty Keypad, 3G, HSDPA, Wi-Fi & even GPS. There's also a 3.5 mm jack, Micro SD card slot & Micro USB port present there. Now here's waiting for a new Palm Smartphone complete with Windows Mobile 6.1
Specs in Detail :
- 400Mhz CPU
- 256MB ROM, 128MB RAM — i.e. enough for performing multiple demanding tasks at once
- Tri-band 3G, quad-band GSM/GPRS
- 320×320 pixels touchscreen
- built-in GPS
- 2 megapixel camera (come on, it's 2008!)
- microUSB connector
- 3.5mm audio jack
- 1500 mAh battery (same as SE Xperia & Nokia E71, should be pretty good)
- there’s a WiFi switch on the side (easier to turn on Wifi!)
- Preinstalled software includes Adobe Reader, Embertec Java, Telenav and Sprite Backup.
- microSD slot supports cards of up to 32GB
Source : WM Experts