HTC today launched the HTC Touch HD. The Touch HD had also been leaked earlier and we all were waiting for it to be announced. The Touch HD features a large 3.8 inch Touch Screen sporting a WVGA resolution. It also is the first HTC Phone to have a 3.5 mm headphone jack & a 5 Mega Pixel Camera. Other features include Wi-Fi, GPS, 3G, HSDPA, Quadband GSM, Micro SD card slot, Bluetooth 2.0, 288 MB RAM & a strong 1350 mAh battery. The only downer is the lack of flash in the camera. There is no word on availability or pricing at this time.
The Touch HD long with the Blackberry Thunder/Storm & Samsung i900 Omnia, is a genuine iPhone rival with a better screen resolution & a better camera. However the lack of a flash has dealt a blow to Touch HD to be seriously considered a Camera Phone. Let's hope the other features like the Sound Quality are properly executed & it can give the 3G iPhone a run for it's money.
Detailed Specs of HTC Touch HD :
- 5 Mega Pixel Auto Focus Camera, no flash
- 3.8 inch WVGA Screen with 480 x 800 resolution
- Qualcomm MSM 7201A™ 528 Mhz CPU
- 288 MB RAM & 512 MB ROM
- 3G, HSDPA, Wi-Fi & GPS
- Quad Band GSM
- Accelerometer sensor
- Bluetooth 2.0
- 3.5 mm headphone jack
- FM Radio with RDS support
- Video & Audio Player
- Pocket Office
- TV Out (Cable not included)
- Mini USB port & Micro SD card slot
- Touch Flo 3D
- Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
- 115 mm x 62.8 mm x 12 mm dimensions & 146 gm weight
- 1350 mAh Battery
HTC Touch HD
Source : HTC Touch HD Product Page