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Nokia E66 & E71 to be released soon

Nokia E66 & E71 are to be released soon, if the rumor mills are to believed. They have been long overdue and will be a worthy replacement of E65 & E61 respectively.Though there is no official information, it is certain that both devices will sport 3.2 megapixel cameras, secondary videocall cameras and 128MB of memory, facts obvious by the provided photos. Nokia E66 is a slider phone with large keys on both the front panel and the main keyboard. There is no information regarding the size of the display, yet it is certain it will be 16M TFT one and it really looks large.

Nokia E66

Nokia E71 is the other high-end phone, which comes in monoblock form factor and a full QWERTY keyboard. The main block of keys with the D-Pad looks very similar to Nokia E61i while the QWERTY keyboard has different design and very large "space" key.

The camera seems to be an autofocus one, with flash and self-portrait mirror. The battery cover seems to have the same patterned finish as Nokia E51.

Image Source : Engadget Mobile