T-Mobile today launched the T-Mobile G1. The G1 is the first mobile phone to run on Google's Android OS & is made by HTC. It was leaked here & here. The T-Mobile G1 features a 3.2 inch Touch Screen sporting a HVGA resolution along with Wi-Fi, GPS, 3G, HSDPA, Quadband GSM, Qwerty Keypad & Bluetooth 2.0. The G1 (also like the iPhone) doesn't have the A2DP mode nor does it allow for File Transfers vi Bluetooth. Video Recording is also missing from the G1.
The device will start shipping in US stores as of 22nd October and will be selling for 179 US dollars with two-year voice and data contract. The T-Mobile G1 will also be available in the UK beginning in November, and across T-Mobile's European markets (Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and the Netherlands) in Q1 2009. European pricing is not yet known but we guess it has to be competitive to the one of the iPhone 3G.
Detailed Specs of T-Mobile G1 :
- 3.2 Mega Pixel Auto Focus Camera, no flash
- 3.2 inch HVGA Screen with 480 x 320 resolution
- Qualcomm MSM 7201A™ 528 Mhz CPU
- 192 MB RAM & 256 MB ROM
- 3G, HSDPA, Wi-Fi & GPS
- Quad Band GSM
- Accelerometer sensor
- Bluetooth 2.0
- Trackball
- FM Radio
- Video & Audio Player
- Document Viewer
- Digital Compass
- Mini USB port & Micro SD card slot
- QWERTY Keypad
- Android OS
- 117 x 55.7 x 17.1 mm dimensions & 158 gm weight
- 1150 mAh Battery
T-Mobile G1