Samsung today announced the Emporio Armani Phone. The phone is the second collaboration between Samsung & Giorgio Armani after the Armani Phone. The Emorio Armani phone has LED's which glow in the night. The phone is quite thin at just 12 mm & sports a 3.5 mm jack, dedicated music keys, 3.2 mega pixel camera along with music player & FM Radio.
Detailed Specs of Emporio Armani Phone :
- 3.2 Mega Pixel Auto Focus Camera, no flash
- 2.2 inch QVGA Screen with 320 x 240 resolution
- 3G & HSDPA
- Quad Band GSM
- Bluetooth 2.0
- 3.5 mm headphone jack
- Dedicated Music Keys
- FM Radio with RDS support
- Video & Audio Player
- Micro SD card slot
- 114.9 x 47.4 x 12 mm dimensions & 91 gm weight
Emporio Armani Phone