LG today announced the successor of the ever popular Prada phone which had leaked earlier. Officially called KF 900, the Prada II bumps up the specs of the original Prada phone to 5 Mega Pixel Camera, Wi-fi, 3G, HSDPA & Qwerty Keypad. The 5 megapixel camera with Schneider-Kreuznach certified lens comes to replace the modest 2 megapixel shooter of the original Prada phone. With 3G & HSDPA present, users can use to surf on the go. The handset has become thicker with a thickness of 18 mm against a thickness of 12 mm in the original Prada due to the inclusion of the sliding Qwerty Keyboard. The absence of GPS in Prada II is bound to raise a few eyebrows considering that LG is demanding a price of € 600 euros (£469 & $810). The new Prada mobile will be available though major mobile dealerships in Italy, UK, France, Germany, Spain and Netherlands in the 4Q of 2008.
Detailed Specs of LG Prada II KF 900 :
- 5 Mega Pixel Auto Focus Camera with Flash
- Schneider-Kreuznach optics
- VGA (640 x 480) Video Capture
- 3.0 inch WQVGA Screen with resolution of 400 x 240 pixels
- Quad Band GSM
- 3G HSDPA & Wi-fi
- Physical Qwerty Keypad
- Video player MPEG4/3gp/DivX6
- Media player MP3/AAC+/WAV
- Bluetooth 2.0 with A2DP
- Micro SD card slot
- Photo & Video Editor
- 104.5 x 54 x 16.8 mm dimensions
Source : LG