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Orange to bring iPhone to 10 Counteries

Following Vodafone's stunning announcement that it had landed a massive deal with Apple to distribute the iPhone in 10 countries Orange has today revealed a virtually identical agreement and in virtually identical style.mrgreen

Vodafone had signed a contract to bring iPhone to Australia, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Italy, India, Portugal, New Zealand, South Africa and Turkey.razz

Exactly ten additional countries will come under Orange's grasp and, just like Vodafone, the network has chosen an equally short and low-key press release:

Paris, 16 May, 2008
Orange brings the iPhone to customers in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Orange today announced a new agreement with Apple to bring the iPhone to Orange customers in Austria, Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Jordan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland and Orange's African markets later this year.

Source : Press Release